A group of men & women who use their love for motorcycles and riding to express their love for God and people

Canadian Christian Riders is part of Pastor Mike's vision for Canada. In November 2013, Pastor Mike heard the Lord tell him to form Canadian Christian Riders. The next morning the Lord told him that Isaiah 60 vs 1-3 will be the foundational scripture of CCR.

“Arise, Jerusalem! Let your light shine for all to see. For the glory of the Lord rises to shine on you. Darkness as black as night covers all the nations of the earth, but the glory of the Lord rises and appears over you. All nations will come to your light; mighty kings will come to see your radiance.” Isaiah 60:1-3 NLT

CCR is a Christian Motorcycle Ministry in Canada for Canada, our vision is to have chapters across Canada, men and women using their motorcycles as tool to witness the love and saving grace of Jesus.

I really enjoy meeting people in out of the ordinary places. Be it rides along obscure country roads or to destination events, it’s a blast riding with CCR.
— Peter

what we do:

CCR reaches out into the motorcycle riding community in a number of different ways: 

- Thursday Night Rides

- Monthly breakfasts

- The Moto Social

- Trailered rides to the annual Daytona Bike Week & other cool places

- Three to five day rides throughout Ontario, Quebec & the northeastern US.

when we do it:

CCR is a four season riding club. 

Starting each January we host a monthly breakfast at one of the region's bigger, centrally located restaurants.

Foundational activities for CCR are Daytona Bike Week in March, Tail of the Dragon in May and Americade in June. Some of these are trailered events.

In mid-spring we celebrate the upcoming season with an Annual Kick-off Breakfast.

When mid-May rolls around, we start riding in earnest with weekly rides and trips away.

where we do it:

CCR has chapters in Gatineau Quebec, and Orleans and Greely in Ontario.

Plans are for chapters in every Canadian capital city, starting in Edmonton, Halifax and Toronto.


Pastor Mike Welch was born in Toronto, one of five boys.

Mike’s life has not being an easy road at times. His father was an Anglican minister, raised going to church, but at the age of 13 his mother died and then at the age of 18 his father also died. As you can imagine a teen age boys / young man living in Toronto without parents in the 70’s found himself in troubling situations.

At the age of 23 Mike and his older brother owned and operated a successful beef cow farm near Dundalk, Ontario.

At the same time he embarked on a rewarding career in sales.

Mike and his wife Lynda also ran a well-known restaurant in Dundalk.

Mike got born again through a Billy Graham television crusade in 1989 at the age of 33. He knew instantly that his life was about to change and 5 years later Mike and Lynda with their daughter Melissa sold the business and went to Bible School.

They have pastored Capital City Church in Ottawa for the past 20 years. Pastors Mike and Lynda’s ministry and church are known for their strong walk of faith and the many healings and miracles they have seen throughout their years of ministry.